Get Ready To Break Your Holiday Sales Records This Year...

(with more profit, and less stress)

In the Profitable Promotions From Scratch course, you’re guided through a step-by-step plan from the strategic mind of Mongoose Media owner Lauren Petrullo,

Where she gives you her proven, out-of-the-box strategy to launch massively profitable multi-channel promotions…in 10 days or less!

Get Ready To Break Your Holiday Sales Records This Year...

(with more profit, and less stress)

In the Profitable Promotions From Scratch course, you’re guided through a step-by-step plan from the strategic mind of Mongoose Media owner Lauren Petrullo,

where she gives you her proven, out-of-the-box strategy to launch massively profitable multi-channel promotions…in 10 days or less!


Profitable Promotions From Scratch

Here’s what you get when you claim your access to the Profitable Promotions from Scratch course today…

  • ​5-Module On-Demand Training ($295 Value): The Profitable Promotions from Scratch Workshop is a 5-module, 19-lesson course that teaches you how you can create and execute an omni-channel promotion in 10 days or less.
  • Bonus #1: The "Architect a Blitz Launch" Workshop with Ryan Deiss ($295 Value): In this Workshop, you’ll learn how to plan, ideate, and execute a multi-channel awareness campaign designed to drive customers back to 1 big idea with a unified call to action.
  • ​Bonus #2: The Email Promo Jumpstart Pack ($95 Value): Take part in a carefully curated “crash course” on everything you need to crank out high-converting, winning email promotions that generate conversions all year long.
  • Bonus #3: Promo Calendar Playbook ($27 Value): In this Playbook, you’ll learn how to organize your own monthly promo calendar, and upon completion, you’ll have 3 months worth of campaigns that will take full advantage of your list, without overwhelming or decreasing the value delivered to your customers.
  • ​30-Day “300%” Money Back Guarantee: We’re so confident that you’re going to get 3X the value from your investment that we’ll let you have access to it for a full 30 days with a 100% money-back guarantee. If within 30 days, you can’t genuinely say that we did not deliver at least 300% more value than you bought this program for, you will be entitled to a full refund…and you can keep everything anyways.

Total Value: $712

Today Just $295 (Save 58%)


Launch Profitable Promotions From Scratch

Module 1

The Promotional Case Study

How to think about promotion strategy + a successful case study.

Module 2

The Promotional Case Study

How to think about promotion strategy + a successful case study.

Module 3

The Promotional Case Study

How to think about promotion strategy + a successful case study.

Module 4

The Promotional Case Study

How to think about promotion strategy + a successful case study.

Module 5

The Promotional Case Study

How to think about promotion strategy + a successful case study.

Module 6

The Promotional Case Study

How to think about promotion strategy + a successful case study.

"If You Fail To Plan...Plan To Fail."

How many times have you thrown a promotion or a sale together last minute that ended up completely flopping?

Or worse…it actually did ok?..

The only thing worse than a promotion that never stood a chance, is one that had MASSIVE potential, but was disorganized, thrown together, and scattered.

It doesn’t matter how good of a “deal” you’re offering, if your audience doesn’t see the offer, engage with the offer, or fully understand the offer—it’s going to flop.

We have a saying around here at DigitalMarketer:

“Confused people don’t buy.”

And as a marketer, it’s your job to make sure people aren’t confused.

The reality is, successful holiday promotions (or any promotion for that matter) can be simple, but require a level of planning that can feel complicated.

GOOD NEWS: Planning your next promotion the right way can be “step-by-step” simple, and help you crush your sales goals (without missing dinner, sleeping 8 hours, and having fun in the process).

So. if you’re ready for a course that will:

–> Eliminate profit-stealing confusion…
–> Empower your team to execute in harmony…
–> Give you a proven strategy with resources to PLAN FOR SUCCESS this holiday season…

Get started with Profitable Promotions From Scratch!

Our Risk Free Guarantee

Listen, we get it…

We know what it’s like to feel uncertain about a big investment in yourself.

That voice inside your head that says “But is this going to work for me?”

Well, one thing you’re going to love about this, besides the incredible value and everything you’re going to learn, is our guarantee. We are so confident that you’re going to get 3X the value from your investment that we’ll let you have access to it for a full 30 days with a 100% money back guarantee.

Watch the trainings… Download all the documents… Test out all the strategies… Stress test the templates… Give this whole program a full test drive…

And, within 30 days, if you can’t genuinely state that I did not deliver at least 300% more value than you bought this program for…you will be entitled to a full refund.

…and you can keep everything anyways.

Everything you’ve downloaded, everything you’ve deployed… you get to keep that for the rest of your life. No harm, no foul.

If you’re not satisfied for any reason just let us know by emailing and you’ll get you an immediate refund.

We’re that confident in this course and what it will do for you. That means you have NOTHING TO LOSE.


Karen Frith

My passion is to help you make money from the skills you've developed throughout your career!

I've been a contractor for over 25 years and I've helped over 6,000 people get freedom from the 9-5 and take control of their futures.

By using your professional expertise as a contractor, you will provide an amazing life for yourself and your family.

I'd love to share with you every secret I've learned to make all of your dreams possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

 How do I access the course?

This is an “On-demand” training that you can access at any time.
Once your payment is submitted, you will receive an email with your login details for our flagship product, DigitalMarketer Academy, where you’ll be able to access the training. It is a go-at-your-own-pace training so you don’t have to worry about missing anything.

 Who is this training for?

This training is designed for marketers, agencies, and small business owners who want to follow a proven strategy for launching promotions profitably.

 Can I get my money back if this training isn't a good fit for me?

Yes! We’re so confident that you’re going to get 3X the value from your investment that we’ll let you have access to it for a full 30 days with a 100% money-back guarantee. If within 30 days, you can’t genuinely say that we did not deliver at least 300% more value than you bought this program for, you will be entitled to a full refund…and you can keep everything anyways.


Profitable Promotions From Scratch

Here’s what you get when you claim your access to the Profitable Promotions from Scratch course today…

  • ​5-Module On-Demand Training ($295 Value): The Profitable Promotions from Scratch Workshop is a 5-module, 19-lesson course that teaches you how you can create and execute an omni-channel promotion in 10 days or less.
  • Bonus #1: The "Architect a Blitz Launch" Workshop with Ryan Deiss ($295 Value): In this Workshop, you’ll learn how to plan, ideate, and execute a multi-channel awareness campaign designed to drive customers back to 1 big idea with a unified call to action.
  • ​Bonus #2: The Email Promo Jumpstart Pack ($95 Value): Take part in a carefully curated “crash course” on everything you need to crank out high-converting, winning email promotions that generate conversions all year long.
  • Bonus #3: Promo Calendar Playbook ($27 Value): In this Playbook, you’ll learn how to organize your own monthly promo calendar, and upon completion, you’ll have 3 months worth of campaigns that will take full advantage of your list, without overwhelming or decreasing the value delivered to your customers.
  • ​30-Day “300%” Money Back Guarantee: We’re so confident that you’re going to get 3X the value from your investment that we’ll let you have access to it for a full 30 days with a 100% money-back guarantee. If within 30 days, you can’t genuinely say that we did not deliver at least 300% more value than you bought this program for, you will be entitled to a full refund…and you can keep everything anyways.

Total Value: $712

Today Just $295 (Save 58%)