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Unlock Your True Potential and Launch Your Fractional Consulting Business in Just 30 Days!

Without giving up your day job!

Are you ready to start your exit from the 9-5 and begin building your wealth and financial freedom today?

Would you like to know how you can use your existing knowledge and expertise to unlock your fractional consulting business? 

Selling your services to big business AND coaching the next generation of professionals.

And, how about getting support from from an exclusive community of experts to guarantee your success?

No Contracts, Cancel Anytime

Karen Frith

From The Desk Of: Karen Frith

Date: May 12th 2023

Subject: 30 Days To YOUR Fractional Consulting Business Success Story

 Hi there!

 Have you ever thought...

"There's got to be a better way to earn a living..." 

I work with hundreds of professionals who are using their expertise to work with many clients and create multiple income streams... but I bet you're thinking...

"How am I, just one person, with a small network, a specific skillset and limited business experience... ever going to make the kind of money that they say is possible?"

My name is Karen Frith, and I'm a 'Serial Entrepreneur' - yes, I know lots of people say that, but all it means is that  can see past the reasons you give yourself for denying your dream of launching your own business.

And I have a proven system that can help you identify what your new fractional consulting business could offer to clients.

I'm also a working consultant, helping iconic global brands like L'Oréal, Nike and Cadbury deliver huge growth programs - all part-time!

And I get to work alongside many other amazing members from my Academy.

But what a lot of people don't know is that every day I get approached by dozens of people who dream of doing what we do.

Talented people who could earn a lot more if only they knew the secrets we know.

And that fact drives me crazy...

So I asked all of my Academy members...

"Hey <Insert Amazing Academy Member Name Here>

Let me ask you a question...

You're suddenly given notice, have limited savings to carry you through and only your professional expertise available to dig yourself out of this hole..

You have bills piling up and no one to turn to.

You no longer have your big corporate safety net, your huge network or any agents you've relied on in the past.

Other than your vast <insert expertise> experience you're a complete unknown.

What would you do from day 1 to day 30 to save yourself?

- Karen Frith

I Wanted To Know EXACTLY What They Would Do
To Get Back On Top...

I Wanted To Know EXACTLY What They Would Do To Get Back On Top...

 Day #1 ... what would you do?

 Day #2... what would you do?

 Day #3... what would you do?

 ...Day #4, then #5, #6... and so on for 30 days.

Over the next few days, the responses started to pour in from members of this exclusive club telling me their stories of when THEY were in the exact spot... 

No work, no money and no network...
and then sharing EXACTLY what they did in a simple,
step by step daily process!

These were not quick emails they sent back to me, but detailed battle plans!

Some Made Me Laugh...

... And others made me cry, as I re-lived with them what it was like when they first got started...

And Learning Exactly What They Would Do, If They Had
To Start Over From Scratch!

And Learning Exactly What They Would Do, If They Had To Start Over From Scratch!

Some had been 'displaced' after decades of service.

Others had to leave jobs they hated.

And others just wanted a different life.

But all of them ended up in the same spot... living the life they designed and working side-by-side with me on exciting programs for iconic global clients AND coaching the next generation of experts!

NEVER have I EVER seen money making blueprints like these! 

I re-read their 30 day plans, looking for 'loopholes', like having to spend lots of money, using special systems, or having to 'know' certain people.

But the blueprints were almost flawless. I knew then, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if anyone followed these plans to a T, they could be successful!

I Couldn't Believe What I Was Seeing.

And this was ONLY the beginning...

MORE 30 day battle plans started to arrive, and they left me shaking my head.

After reading over a dozen of them, they left me TOTALLY CONVINCED, that ANYONE, as long as they faithfully apply the tested and proven secrets found in these 30 Day Battle Plans, could be successful.

And that's when it hit me...

I needed to share this with everyone.

Everyone Who Has Ever Been Stuck,
With Nowhere To Go And No One To Help Them...

Needs A 30 Day Battle Plan.

At first I planned on selling them all...

But because I know what they are worth, and how much I would have to charge if I were to sell them...

I knew that if I did, the people who needed them the MOST, wouldn't be able to afford them.

So, I emailed each Academy member and I asked...

"Would You Be Willing To Share This With Everyone... FOR FREE!?!"

At first, a few of them thought I was a little crazy...

But then one said YES

And then another!

And Soon EVERYONE OF THEM Agreed To Share Their Secrets With You

Now I'm not going to bombard you with all of the plans... that would be too overwhelming and do you no good whatsoever!

To start with, you get MY 30 Day Battle Plan.

30 days of step-by-step instructions that will kickstart your Fractional Consulting Business.

 Day #1 ... Do this

 Day #2... Do this

 Day #3... Do this

 ...Day #4, then #5, #6... and so on for 30 days.

Then I Hope You Stick Around...

Learn All The Secrets to building your wealth.

Get access to many more 30 Day Battle Plans.

And join hundreds of other professionals across the world who collaborate and support each other in a thriving community. 

 But if you don't want to you can cancel anytime in your member dashboard... you don't even need to speak to us!

From The Desk Of: Karen Frith

Date: May 12th 2023

Subject: 30 Days To YOUR Consulting Business Success Story

 Hi there!

 Have you ever thought...

"There's got to be a better way to earn a living..." 

I work with hundreds of professionals who are using their expertise to work with many clients and create multiple income streams... but I bet you're thinking...

"How am I, just one person, with a small network, a specific skillset and limited business experience... ever going to make the kind of money that they say is possible?"

My name is Karen Frith, and I'm a 'Serial Entrepreneur' - yes, I know lots of people say that, but all it means is that can see past the reasons you give yourself for denying your dream of launching your business.

And I have a proven system that can help you identify what your new fractional consulting business could offer clients.

I'm also a working consultant, helping iconic global brands like L'Oréal, Nike and Cadbury deliver huge growth programs - all part-time!

And I get to work alongside many other amazing members from my Academy.

But what a lot of people don't know, is that every day I get approached by dozens of people who dream of doing what we do.

Talented people who could earn a lot more if only they knew the secrets I know.

And that fact drives me crazy...

So I asked all of my Academy members...

"Hey <Insert Amazing Academy Member Name Here>

Let me ask you a question...

You're suddenly given notice, have limited savings to carry you through and only your professional expertise available to dig yourself out of this hole..

You have bills piling up and no one to turn to.

You no longer have your big corporate safety net, your huge network or any agents you've relied on in the past.

Other than your vast <insert expertise> experience you're a complete unknown.

What would you do from day 1 to day 30 to save yourself?

- Karen Frith

I Wanted To Know EXACTLY What They Would Do
To Get Back On Top...

I Wanted To Know EXACTLY What They Would Do To Get Back On Top...

 Day #1 ... what would you do?

 Day #2... what would you do?

 Day #3... what would you do?

 ...Day #4, then #5, #6... and so on for 30 days.

Over the next few days, the responses started to pour in from members of this exclusive club telling me their stories of when THEY were in the exact spot... 

No work, no money and no network...
and then sharing EXACTLY what they did in a simple,
step by step daily process!

No work, no money and no network... and then sharing EXACTLY what they did in a simple, step by step daily process!

These were not quick emails they sent back to me, but detailed battle plans!

Some Made Me Laugh...

... And others made me cry, as I re-lived with them what it was like when they first got started...

And Learning Exactly What They Would Do, If They Had
To Start Over From Scratch!

And Learning Exactly What They Would Do, If They Had To Start Over From Scratch!

Some had been 'displaced' after decades of service.

Others had to leave jobs they hated.

And others just wanted a different life.

But all of them ended up in the same spot... living the life they designed and working side-by-side with me on exciting programs for iconic global clients AND coaching the next generation of experts!

NEVER have I EVER seen money making blueprints like these! 

I re-read their 30 day plans, looking for 'loopholes', like having to spend lots of money, using special systems, or having to 'know' certain people.

But the blueprints were almost flawless. I knew then, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if anyone followed these plans to a T, they could be successful!

I Couldn't Believe What I Was Seeing.

And this was ONLY the beginning...

MORE 30 day battle plans started to arrive, and they left me shaking my head.

After reading over a dozen of them, they left me TOTALLY CONVINCED, that ANYONE, as long as they faithfully apply the tested and proven secrets found in these 30 Day Battle Plans, could be successful.

And that's when it hit me...

I needed to share this with everyone.

Everyone Who Has Ever Been Stuck,
With Nowhere To Go And No One To Help Them...

Everyone Who Has Ever Been Stuck, With Nowhere To Go And No One To Help Them...

Needs A 30 Day Battle Plan.

At first I planned on selling them all...

But because I know what they are worth, and how much I would have to charge if I were to sell them...

I knew that if I did, the people who needed them the MOST, wouldn't be able to afford them.

So, I emailed each Academy member and I asked...

"Would You Be Willing To Share This With Everyone... FOR FREE!?!"

At first, a few of them thought I was a little crazy...

But then one said YES

And then another!

And Soon EVERYONE OF THEM Agreed To Share Their Secrets With You

Now I'm not going to bombard you with all of the plans... that would be too overwhelming and do you no good whatsoever!

To start with, you get MY 30 Day Battle Plan.

30 days of step-by-step instructions that will kickstart your Fractional Consulting Business.

 Day #1 ... Do this

 Day #2... Do this

 Day #3... Do this

 ...Day #4, then #5, #6... and so on for 30 days.

Then I Hope You Stick Around...

Learn All The Secrets to building your wealth.

Get access to many more 30 Day Battle Plans.

And join hundreds of other professionals across the world, who collaborate and support each other in a thriving community.

 But if you don't want to you can cancel anytime in your member dashboard... you don't even need to speak to us!

A New Way To Get The Life You Design!

A New Way To Get The Life You Design!

Karen Frith, one of the most sought-after contractors in the business, has just released her new guide to starting out
and thriving as a contractor titled ‘Contractor Secrets’.

10-15 minute videos designed for professionals who are looking for more time, more freedom and more money.

Then, when you're ready, tailored content showing you how to become the ‘go-to’ contractor in your field and a sought after authority.

This innovative approach to sharing industry secrets provides actionable advice, backed by Karen’s decades of experience, to help you start and grow your own contracting business.

It includes detailed workbooks to help you recognise opportunities, identify trends in the industry, find clients and
maintain strong relationships with them.

It also provides proven frameworks for gaining visibility and establishing yourself as an authority without having to spend your life at a laptop.

Karen Frith, one of the most sought-after contractors in the business, has just released her new guide to starting and thriving as a contractor titled ‘Contractor Secrets’.

10-15 minute videos designed for professionals who are looking for more time, more freedom and more money.

Then, when you're ready, tailored content showing you how to become the ‘go-to’ contractor in your field and a sought after authority.

This innovative approach to sharing industry secrets provides actionable advice, backed by Karen’s decades of experience, to help you start and grow your own contracting business.

It includes detailed workbooks to help you recognise opportunities, identify trends in the industry, find clients and maintain strong relationships with them.

It also provides proven frameworks for gaining visibility and establishing yourself as an authority without having to spend your life at a laptop.

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In addition to providing essential advice for running a successful contracting business, Karen also offers strategies for tackling common challenges such as dealing with agents, staying organised and promoting yourself both online and offline.

Plus, Karen also offers valuable insights into taking care of yourself as an entrepreneur so you can remain productive while avoiding burnout.

Weaving together personal stories from her own journey with practical advice that is both useful and inspiring, her secrets are guaranteed to be an invaluable resource for any contractor looking to make it big in their niche.

If you’re serious about making a change to your working life, getting the financial and time freedom you've always dreamed of, then ‘Contractor Secrets’ is the perfect place to start!

In addition to providing essential advice for running a successful contracting business, Karen also offers strategies for tackling common challenges such as dealing with agents, staying organised and promoting yourself both online and offline.

Plus, Karen also offers valuable insights into taking care of yourself as an entrepreneur so you can remain productive while avoiding burnout.

Weaving together personal stories from her own journey with practical advice that is both useful and inspiring, her secrets are guaranteed to be an invaluable resource for any contractor looking to make it big in their niche.

If you’re serious about making a change to your working life, getting the financial and time freedom you've always dreamed of, then ‘Contractor Secrets’ is the perfect place to start!

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Who Needs Contractor Secrets?

All professional service providers with ambition to run their own successful business,
using contracting as the first step

All professional service providers with ambition to run their own successful business, using contracting as the first step


You're an experienced professional, earning £50k - £60k, and have worked alongside a contractor or consultant and thought...
I could do that!

But then realised
You don't have a network
You don't know where to start
You don't want to risk your
'day job' 

Now you don't have to worry about any of those things

Contractor Secrets not only shows you the foundations (setting your company up, finding clients, etc)

It also opens up a community of expert contractors who all want to support your success


You've been a contractor for a while, but your ability to generate revenue over £150k is limited, so now you want to explore a different operating model, or even a different business model 

You no longer want to sell your time for money, because you know this is not the way to get the lifestyle you deserve

Now you need to leverage your network, your past clients and anything else to free up your time

Contractor Secrets shares ways to work smarter not harder, and leverage all the assets you have

It also opens up a huge network of consultants who want to make your transition as easy as possible


You're a polished consultant, a recognised expert who can easily bill £300k a year, but you're not great at marketing or selling your skills and you need help to break through to the next level

You want opportunities to do rainmaker deals, work as a fractional advisor and build multiple income streams 

So now you're looking for support to guide you on the path to making this happen

Contractor Secrets is your guide and provides an invitation to grow and join the Consultant Collective

It also opens up a global marketplace and access to the best business brains in the world 

Success Paths
Clear Quick Start Plans

Unlock Ideas 
New Ways To Earn More

Bite-Size Content 
Easy To Consume & Action

World Class Consultants Get Started Using 
All The Secrets

Click below to hear what our current members have to say...


"My advice is take the leap"

Alexander Michael

"I have seen 155% increase in my business revenue"

Dan Bowlzer

"I wish I'd started earlier"


"Make sure you take action"

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"I highly recommend exploring the courses"

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"I've been bowled over by the training and materials"

Jo Shipley
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Getting You Fractional Consulting Clients Is What We Do Best!

Our global partner network of clients and consultancies work exclusively with our approved roster of expert fractional consultants.

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Karen Frith

My passion is to help you make money from the skills you've developed throughout your career!

I've been a contractor for over 25 years and I've helped over 6,000 people get freedom from the 9-5 and take control of their futures.

By using your professional expertise as a contractor, you will provide an amazing life for yourself and your family.

I'd love to share with you every secret I've learned to make all of your dreams possible.

  • Work fewer hours: More Time and More Control
  • Work for yourself: More Time and More Control
  • Earn more money: More Time and More Control

Experts Are Here To Guide You Every Step
Of Your Journey

We Get You Ready For Success

Let's accelerate quickly and take advantage of the changing market.
 The future workplace needs visionary people like you!
So take control of your future by using
fractional consulting to deliver the life you deserve.

Identify your gaps, seek guidance from experts, and implement quick wins.

Then, unlock the rest of the secrets you need to quickly build
your 6-figure profits.

Accelerator: Get Ready For your future NOW!

Fractional Consulting
Rainmaker Deals
Multiple Income Streams

 Leverage: Use what you already know

Your Clients
Your Network
Your Authority
Your Operating Model
Your Technology
Your Exit Plan

 Better Foundations: For when you want a cash injection

Success Paths
Business Foundations
Client Finder
Pitch Decks, Resumes, CVs
Presentations & Interviews
Linkedin Audit

All The Secrets 
One of A kind Training available For EVERYONE 

Hear More From our current members


"I'm really looking forward to what 2023 brings"

Mark Strefford
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"This will give you insights, learnings and confidence"

Adam Lawrence
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"You will never think of any of this on your own"

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"It's completely opened up a different avenue for me"

Kev Quirk
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"The best bit for me is the close collaborative community"

Scott Turton
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"Lots of things to think about"

Farzana Bodhania
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Don't Miss Out - Unlock Contractor Secrets Now!

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You don't have to go it alone!

Now you can access Karen's secret vault of 25 years' worth of brilliant tips, tools and techniques.

Contractor Secrets is the ultimate training for your contracting success! With expert guidance, insider knowledge, and proven strategies, you'll be able to take your business to incredible new levels.

Fix The Basics
is the starting point, our success paths give you the plans for quick results and then we'll run a complete health check on your business foundations. Together we'll master the 'hygiene' elements of being a contractor, and get you ready to move onto your next stage...

Leverage. This is the stage where you start to use all of the assets available to make more time and more money - yes, both are possible when you know the secrets!
This stage ends with the most important secret being revealed - how to plan your Exit!

Finally, we're here to help you even more, by sharing the secrets on the opportunities available to you when you're ready to move from Contractor to Consultant.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to gain access to industry-leading strategies, tactics, and advice from experts who have used these secrets to start, grow and scale their own businesses!


Immediate Access To:

  • Decision and Determination To Succeed: We get you started in the best possible way and show you the path you need to follow to guarantee success.
  • All The Secrets Community: Join us in Circle and get to know 'your people' while you gain access to many extras and behind the scenes content to inspire you
  • ​"This Is The Way...": Access to all of the digital back copies of the newsletter, previously only available to Academy members
  • 30 Day Battle Plan: Everything you need to do from day 1 to day 30 to start your fractional consulting business
  • Welcome Pack: A little something from us to welcome you and get you motivated


Individual Investment = £7,000

  • ​Rainmaker Deals: This will leave you thinking... "Why have I never done this before?"
  • Global Fractional Consulting: An huge game changer! 
  • Multiple Income Streams: We share what's possible and plans to make it happen.


Individual Investment = £5,000

  • ​Your Clients: Create your ideal client avatar and dig deep into their pain points and desires 
  • Your Network: Learn how to leverage one of the biggest assets your business has
  • ​Your Authority: Lessons in building your personal brand
  • Your Operating Model: This will stop burnout, give you more time and make you more money
  • Your Technology: Learn how to use the latest Al tools and make them all work seamlessly together for you
  • ​Your Exit Plan: Life becomes 100% easier when you control your Exit

Better Foundations

Individual Investment = £2,500

  • Success Paths: Get results quickly when you follow the clear plans that solve specific problems
  • ​Business Foundations: A health check for everything you need to set your business up for success
  • Client Finder: Know EXACTLY where to find those amazing contracts with global brands AND how to build a coaching business that will continue to make you money when you decide your time is more important
  • ​Pitch Decks, Resumes or CVs: Learn how to build your sales enablement content and get it in front of a decision maker.
  • ​Presentations & Interviews: Lessons from an FBI negotiator remastered specifically to build your 6-figure profits!
  • LinkedIn Optimisation: Learn how to use your LinkedIn profile as a sales machine.

Also Included...

  • 50+Video Lessons: Learn EVERYTHING you need to know from setting up the right company structure to what tech to use to make life easier.
  • Templates, Checklists and Tools: Access to sample presentations, Resumes, CVs, interview question responses, and LinkedIn post ideas.

TOTAL VALUE: £14,500

 ONLY £67+vat

Monthly Subscription

00Hours 15Minutes 00Seconds

(No Commitment, Cancel Anytime)


Immediate Access To:

  • Decision and Determination To Succeed: We get you started in the best possible way and show you the path you need to follow to guarantee success.
  • Contractor Secrets Community: Join us in Circle and get to know 'your people' while you gain access to many extras and behind the scenes content to inspire you
  • ​"This Is The Way...": Access to all of the digital back copies of the newsletter, previously only available to Contractors Academy members
  • 30 Day Battle Plan: Everything you need to do from day 1 to day 30 to start your fractional consulting business
  • ​​Welcome Pack: A little something from us to welcome you and get you motivated


Individual Investment = £7,000

  • ​Rainmaker Deals: This will leave you thinking... "Why have I never done this before?"
  • Global Fractional Consulting: An huge game changer!
  • Multiple Income Streams: We share what's possible and a plan to make it happen.


Individual Investment = £5,000

  • ​Your Clients: Create your ideal client avatar and dig deep into their pain points and desires 
  • Your Network: Learn how to leverage one of the biggest assets your business has
  • ​Your Authority: Lessons in building your personal brand
  • Your Operating Model: This will stop burnout and make you more money
  • Your Technology: Learn how to use the latest Al tools and make them all work together for you
  • ​Your Exit Plan: Life becomes 100% easier when you control your Exit

Better Foundations

Individual Investment = £2,500

  • Success Paths: Get results quickly when you follow the clear plans that solve specific problems
  • ​​Business Foundations: A health check for everything you need to set your business up for success
  • ​​Client Finder: Know EXACTLY where to find those amazing contracts with global brands
  • ​​Pitch Decks, Resumes or CVs: Learn how to build your sales enablement content and get it in front of a decision maker.
  • ​​Presentations & Interviews: Lessons from an FBI negotiator remastered specifically to build your profitable 6-figure business!
  • ​​LinkedIn Optimisation: Learn how to use your LinkedIn profile as a sales machine.

Also Included...

  • 50+Video Lessons: Learn EVERYTHING you need to know from setting up the right company structure to what tech to use to make life easier.
  • Templates, Checklists and Tools: Access to hundreds of pages of sample CVs, interview question responses, and LinkedIn post ideas.

TOTAL VALUE: £14,500

 ONLY £67+vat

Monthly Subscription

After Your FREE 14 Days

(No Commitment, Cancel Anytime)

Don't Miss Out - Secure These Epic
Bonuses Now!

Join Today And You'll Also Get Access To:

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Office Hours Q&A

Weekly access to your EPIC network and our in-house team of experts who are all waiting to help you work through anything that's blocking your success, and hold you accountable to the plans you've shared 

"This Is The Way" Newsletter

Access to our award-winning digital newsletter, read about the methods Karen uses to launch and grow all of her businesses, and how other members are following her.
This Is The Way... to learn from the best!



Early bird access to our new app: Main launch date is Q4/23
Cycle through ideas and hooks for your LinkedIn posts… specific to your niche, your skillset and your ideal client!
e.g. Retail, IT Project Manager appealing to a Transformation Programme Manager
(Value = This is a game changer)

New Website Blue Mockup Instagram - Laptop (2) png

All The Secrets Rewards

Our way of helping with the cost of living crisis!
Exclusive access to generous discounts from many premium brands and major tier one UK retailers.
We're also excited to offer an accredited cycle to work and technology reward schemes to all of our members.
(Value = This will pay for your membership alone!)

Your 100% Money-Back Guarantee

Our 100% money-back guarantee means we take all the risk. If for any reason you don't think a fractional consulting business is for you during the first 30 days, simply email us at and we'll give you your money back.

If we can't help you get more time and make money, we don't deserve yours.

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Contractor Secrets

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisqua.

  • ​Access to over 50 lessons that will take you through EVERYTHING you need to know to start, run and scale your business (Value= $297)
  • ​Access to all of the templates you need to manage your business (Value= $197)
  • ​Access to all of the templates you need to manage your business (Value= $197)

TOTAL VALUE: $12,345



(One time payment, cancel anytime)

Now's the time to reach your goals faster than ever!

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity...

Without Contractor Secrets

  • Fear: 40 years employment or contracts inside IR35
  • Stress: No control over what you're able to earn
  • Anxiety: No way to plan or stay in control
  • Sadness: This isn't the life you wanted

With Contractor Secrets

  • ​​Future: Work on your terms
  • Control: Be prepared for anything
  • Freedom: Make the right decisions for you
  • ​Happiness: Live your dream

Stop waiting for tomorrow,
Now is your chance to Build Your Fractional Consulting Business Today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Google anything about contracting and you will find lots of advice from accountants and recruitment consultants, but hardly any advice from actual contractors

Why? Because they want to keep their secrets to themselves! Now we answer all of your questions, honestly and from real experience.

 How do I become a contractor?

First, let's talk about you don't become a professional contractor.

Recruitment agency - If you simply register with an agency you're not going to get called back as you have no experience.

"Job Board' - Your CV won't be optimised for the contractor market.

Clients - They won't take the risk on a 'newbie'

The real answer to this is to find a willing contractor to act as your sponsor or guide and shadow them on your first contract.

 What are the benefits of contracting?

Own your future - work when you want, where you want and with who you want.

Stay in control - you set your terms and manage your exit

Gain freedom - financial and time

Live the life you want

And never forget the many different clients you'll get to work with, new people you'll meet and cultures you'll experience.

You'll make friends for life and always have someone to drink coffe with in a strange town!

 What are the drawbacks of contracting?

If you don't plan and position yourself properly in the market you will face the following issues.

Fear of R35 - this is a polarising piece of legislation and has caused a lot of contractors to exit the market.

The stress of finding new clients - you need to follow the rules of engagement at least 6 weeks out from your end date to avoid this.

You may get anxious when you realise your earnings are capped by the number of days you can work.

 How do I protect myself as a contractor?

Protect you from what?

There is insurance for general risks that will stop you from working.

But there's no insurance that will protect you from failing to plan.

It's your responsibility to run your business as a viable going concern... but you don't need to do this alone.

There's protection in numbers, your network is your insurance so nurture it and give more than you take.

 What does a successful contractor look like?

There's only one tip you need to know... 

"It's not about you"

Successful contractors do not seek or hog the limelight, the line Karen uses all the time is...

"I'm only here to make you look good"

If you're generous with the successes of the team then you'll get contract extensions and have clients lined up waiting.

 How do I know if contracting is right for me?

Try it!

Nothing is forever, even a permanent role.

Most contracts are 3-6 months long.

That's enough time for you to try it out, make a decision, change your mind and go back to the life you thought you didn't want.

Nothing is forever...

Try it!

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Copyright @ 2023 All The Secrets - Terms & Conditions - Privacy Policy - Earning Disclaimer | Designed With Love By  Mujtaba Safdar

Early bird access to our new app: Main launch date is Q4/23
Cycle through ideas and hooks for your LinkedIn posts… specific to your niche, your skillset and your ideal client!
e.g. Retail, IT Project Manager appealing to a Transformation Programme Manager
(Value = This is a game changer)

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